Friday, April 24, 2009

Just some random ish!!

Born in FLA, raised in Texas & living in many other states (incl. New York & Alabama) in between, I think I have a very different taste in music than the normal person. I mean it's gotten to the point where I don't listen to the radio or watch video tv shows. I'm just starting to get tired of hearing the same thing all the time. So I try to listen to new stuff everyday. Right now my feel good CD of the day has to be DJ Purifiya presents Grind Mode. You can't help but laugh or jook to the songs on this mixtape. Fav songs have to be No Head, Crush All Nite, & Xtacy. Gotta Check it out!

1 comment:

AUDREY said...

i feel you!
i hate the radio to be honest.
i never turn that bitch on.